Welcome to CRHV.ORG! We are neighbors working together to improve the quality of life and safety in Heritage and surrounding areas. Contact us to get involved. If you are able, please donate to support us in our efforts. |
The EDH Community Services district is in total disarray. Unclear who is on the board, who quit and unquit. The board is unable or unwilling to call a meeting. Finger pointing between board members. Also appears to be no trust in their legal council. And that is just want is wrong this year and we are only in February. Read current status from Concerned Residents Civic group.

The Concerned Residents of Heritage Village are not alone in defending and protecting the will of the thousands of residents who voted supermajorities to pass Measures Q (Promontory LLAD 22), Measure R (Valley View LLAD 33) and Measure S (Carson Creek LLAD 39). The four members of the CSD Board Directors have spent tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars to fight the implementation of the measures to repeal and refund unjust special assessments. In the battle, first started by Heritage Village residents, other communities such as Promontory Village have joined hands. We have had enough of the disrespect of EDH residents and years of mismanagement and corruption.
Coming soon will be information on how you can get involved. If you would like to sign up to help in our struggles to have our votes counted go to the volunteers page and someone will get back to you with next steps.
CSD Ignores the will of the people. CSD ignores the passing of measures to repeal the LLAD fees. Read the update on what is happening with measure S.
See full presentation from the Concerned Residents Civics group on issues that impact you. See how you can get involved and who you should contact on issues such as the potential warehouses on Golden Foothill and Latrobe.
Want to contact your board of supervisiors? Here is a link to the Supervisors and your elected officials and how to contact them.
Want to call in or attend a meeting in person?, see the event calendar with the meetings that we feel you should listen to and speak up at. Let your voices be heard, there is strength in numbers. If you don’t show you care then our voices will be ignored.