- Found within 5 miles of the Preserve1
- Threatened
- Inhabits open areas of sandy soil and low vegetation in valleys, foothills and semiarid mountains
- Also found in grasslands, coniferous forests, woodlands, and chaparral, with open areas and patches of loose soil2
Feeding Behavior/Diet
- Eats mainly ants
- Also consumes other small invertebrates such as spiders, beetles, termites, flies, honeybees, moth larvae, and grasshoppers
- Lays 6 – 21 eggs (averaging around 12) from May to June
- Eggs hatch from August to September
- Some females may lay two clutches of eggs in a year3
1 HELIX Environmental Planning Carson Creek Preserve Long Term Management Plan Rev 6/15/2021
2 Wikipedia
3 californiaherps.com