- The species has a low potential to roost within the preserve1
- Maternal colonies and hibernating bats sensitive to disturbance. Loss or modification of foraging habitat, esp. urban development. Species of Special Concern in California
- Grasslands and deserts
- Roosts in rock crevices, caves, mine shafts, under bridges, in buildings and tree hollows
Feeding Behavior/Diet
- Emerges about an hour after sunset
- Eat, then go to night roosts to digest food, then will hunt again before dawn
- Crickets, scorpions, beetles, grasshoppers, various other insects
- Roosts in small colonies of about 12 to 100 bats
- Forms nursery colonies, bears one or two pups each year, which nurse 6-8 weeks
- Able to fly at about 6 weeks2
1 HELIX Environmental Planning Carson Creek Preserve Long Term Management Plan Rev 6/15/2021
2 https://www.fs.fed.us