Status: Protected
- Protected Under the Federal Bald and Golden Eagle Protection act and by CDFW1
- Open mountains, foothills, plains, open country
- Requires open terrain
Feeding Behavior/Diet
- Searches for prey by soaring high or by flying low over slopes; also watches for prey from high perches
- Mostly small mammals. Typically preys on mammals ranging in size from ground squirrels up to prairie-dogs, marmots, jackrabbits birds, some snakes, lizards, large insects.
- Usually 2 eggs
- Nest site is most often on cliff ledge, also frequently in large tree, rarely on ground. Sites may be used for many years
- Incubation is by both parents (female does more), 41-45 days
- May mate for life2
1 HELIX Environmental Planning Carson Creek Preserve Long Term Management Plan Rev 6/15/2021
2 National Audubon Society